Why Biblical Counseling?


Taking a biblical approach

In the midst of a dark and hurting world, God has given us His Word as a light to guide our path. “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.” -Psalm 119:105

The Bible is a living word for us, to this day, speaking truth into our lives, in every situation. We believe in transformation through the Word of God and that the solutions to our problems and issues that we face are found in Scripture. “His Word is sharper than any two edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit.” -Hebrews 4:12 When we apply the Word to our lives, we are changed. Our desires become His desires, and our thoughts become less about us and more about Him. The shift in perspective makes all the difference.

Our counselors will give you the tools you need from the Word to be able to apply these truths to your life. Everything from abuse, addiction, anxiety, depression, worry, and even relationships can be helped by God’s Word!

God loves us and desires a healthy relationship with us, which includes guiding us through our life problems. He is a good Father. As much as we desire our children to be happy and healthy, how much more does our heavenly Father desire that for us!




What is the Counseling Form and why do I need to fill it out before I speak with a counselor?

The counseling form is a necessary resource for us to know which counselor to match you with based on your individual needs and your background. It also provides us with detailed background information ab0ut you so that we can spend our session time more effectively.

How do you match a counselor with a counselee?

After your counseling form is submitted, it goes straight to our directors for review. Your background and issues that you are seeking counseling for are prayerfully taken in account in choosing the right counselor for you.

How long does it take to be matched to a counselor from the time I submit my form?

The wait time depends on a few things. It takes approximately 7 business days to review your application and to match you with a counselor. From there, it depends on the availability of the counselor’s schedule and if there are other applications in front of yours. There is typically a wait list and we will let you know up front how long you can expect to wait.

What costs are involved?

First, there is a $10 administration fee when you submit your counseling form. Once we match you to a counselor we will ask that you keep a credit or debit card on file with us. After each session, you will be billed. Individual sessions are $35.00 and couples sessions are $50.00 for each session. In order to best address your concerns and issues, we typically require a minimum of 8 sessions with our counselors.

What is the cancellation policy for a session?

Out of respect for our staff we require a $35 deposit which is forfeited for cancellati0ns of less than 24 hours.

How long do the counseling sessions last and what can I expect?

Counseling sessions are offered Monday-Friday by appointment only. Most counseling sessions take between 45 to 60 minutes. Here’s what you can expect during that time:

Privacy and Care: Our staff will care for you and treat you with respect. Everything will be held in strict confidence except where, in the Biblical counselor’s judgment, there is a Biblical requirement to involve others (e.g. criminal activity, abuse, harm to self or others).

Encouragement towards being like Jesus Christ: Our staff will encourage you in your healing journey and exhort you to think and behave in a way that pleases Jesus Christ.

Assigned Homework: You will be assigned homework to take home between your weekly counseling sessions. The assignments are meant to encourage lasting change and create accountability in the healing journey.

Allow Time For Healing: Habits are not developed overnight, and new habits will take time to develop. In most cases, we ask individuals to commit to regular ongoing Biblical counseling appointments for the purpose of effectively dealing with lingering issues. This is usually a minimum of 8 counseling sessions.


The Counseling FOrm…

Due to the number of requests we receive, we are unable to schedule any counseling sessions for non-Springs Church attenders/members at this time.

We will open sessions for non-attenders/members at a later date. If you would like to speak to a pastor for prayer we welcome you to contact our church office at 904-379-6208.

The counseling form allows us to not only gather your contact information, but also your background, and some personal history by asking some questions designed to help us understand how to help you better. These questions are completely confidential, and go to our directors who then carefully place you with the counselor best matched to work with you and your needs.