Welcome to Arise Biblical Counseling.
Please note the following:
Arise Biblical Counseling is a ministry of The Springs Church in Orange Park, FL.
Due to the number of requests we receive, we are unable to schedule any counseling sessions for non-Springs Church attenders/members at this time.
We will open sessions for non-attenders/members at a later date. If you would like to speak to a pastor for prayer we welcome you to contact our church office at 904-379-6208.
We also encourage you to visit our main church website at www.tscjax.com to learn more about our church and ways you can become involved in the life of our church.
Why Biblical Counseling
We believe the Word of God is the foundation of anyone striving to live a life following Christ. Arise Biblical Counseling exists to help people who may be struggling with common life problems that so many of us face. We are committed to bringing the Word of God into the lives of everyone we meet with. We want to help anyone hurting, or struggling, to learn how to apply the Word of God to their life in a way that is practical and produces real solutions and growth. For anyone seeking our counseling services, we will ask that you commit to attending services at The Springs Church while we help you on your journey to healing.
Receive Biblical Counseling From Trained Biblical Counselors
There is always hope! We want to come alongside you to encourage you with Biblical truth that will make a lasting impact.
Qualified Counselors
All of our counselors have been certified through the Center of Pastoral Counseling program of Emerge Counseling Services of Akron, Ohio. They have experience helping people through similar issues to your own.
Our Counseling Room
Your appointments will take place in our counseling office which is a fully private room that creates a relaxing atmosphere with complimentary coffee, tea, and water.
Online and In-Person Sessions Available
If you can’t make it in to our counseling office, zoom meetings are available!
Arise biblical counseling is a ministry of The Springs CHurch in Orange Park, FL.
If you are looking for Authentic People Trusting Christ, you will find them at The Springs Church. We would love for you to check us out!
There’s a place for you here! Service Times are Sundays 9:30 & 11am and Wednesdays at 7pm.
Meet our counselors
Pastor Paul & Maria Muzichuk
Counseling Center Directors
Pastor Mat Pace
Family Life Pastor at The Springs Church
Sheri Powell
Butch and Kathy Featherman
Eligia Hodges
John and Shawn Vick
“Christian hope is not dependent on another person or group of people. Rather, it is dependent on the lord Jesus Christ alone.
Christian Hope is not wishful thinking, vague longing, or trying to fulfill a dream personally, but rather it is assured, unchangeable, and absolute. Christian hope is secure in what Christ did on the cross!”
— Pastor Paul Muzichuk, Director at ARISE BIBLICAL COUNSELING